Friday, January 15, 2010


Lets just face it! I'm a judgmental cunt rag hater. I fucking loathe Lady Gaga, I hate Ed Hardy, I vomit when I see colored ink tattoos and I absolutely despise sequins. Although some of this shit isn't on my IN AND OUT list, I hope you enjoy being a hater as much as I do...hater, don't even know her! That's an old joke that no one reading this will understand except my friends, but it goes!

Numero Uno Hatred: Lady Gaga Faggish Raggish Bone!!!

What is she/he? Who wears that? Even though she might be a bit cooler in my book now b/c of the meaning behind her song "Poker Face," I still wanna karate chop her in a dark alleyway! I'll let you figure out what she means in "Poker Face" but I'll give you a tiny hint...girl in bed with boy, girl thinks about other girl, girl fakes her shit! Coolness...

Number Two Hatred: Slutty Children

Maybe it's because I live in Denmark that I hate this. It seems that children are allowed to do whatever the fuck they want at any age. Have sex when you are ten, date a man twice your senior at 15, get drunk at the club when you're 12. Don't get me started on the H&M campaign in Copenhagen of this little child (not pictured) that the photographer made look like Elizabeth Taylor...eww! But this pic takes the cake. WTF was her mother smoking...CRACK IS WHACK KIDS! Keith Haring told us so...we should have listened!

Nummer Tre (Danish) Hatred: Tattoos that are in a language that you, yourself can't speak!

Victoria Beckham can barely speak English, let alone Islamic or whatever the fuck that language is on the back of her neck. Neck tattoos = coolness; tattoos in languages you, yourself cannot speak = a fraudulent attempt to act seemingly cool! Loser, don't even know her!

Nummer Fire Hatred: Peacock feathers in hair!

This little pic involves two things I hate so I guess you could say I killed two birds with one stone (Paula Abdul, although really funny cuz she's ALWAYS wasted, is a sell out and the hair piece she possesses makes me puke)! I was recently in NYC and all the dumb little Williamsburg housewife bitches had these stupid peacock contraptions on their ugly heads! I heard rumors that they all go to Bloomingdales and spend something absurd, like 200 American on these pieces of dog shit! I could fucking make my own by plucking a pigeon feather in Washington Square Park and glueing it on a hair band. For fuck sakes...get a life! I am really being mean and obnoxious at the moment! I'm actually really nice:-)

Numero Uno Love: Baggy jeans but only on girls!!

I love girls! I especially love girls that have sick fashion sense. It really doesn't take much. I think you can rock any outfit if you are confident, don't give a fuck and can mix and match with elegance and grace. I've always felt that you don't have to spend a lot of money on clothes (although I do) as long as you are true to yourself and really rep who you are! Baggy jeans are SO FUCKING SEXY, especially if paired with heels. I actually hate the shoes in this pic but I love the jeans! Patent leather is a no no!!!

Number Two Love: Any arm tattoos on girls, especially "naked pin ups on wrenches!"

So I was at this party in NYC over the summer and in walks Jenny Shimizu. I nearly lost my shit yet no one else even seemed to recognize her. What is wrong with NYC lesbians??? I'll tell you...everyone is so mad young at the club now that they have no clue about icons such as MIss Shimizu. I've been obsessed with her tattoo on her right arm for as long as I can remember and this pic gives you an up close and personal look at her ink and tits...ooh la to the fucking la!

Nummer Tre Love: Girls with ties!

I hate that I'm doing this b/c I just dissed VB, but she looks super hot in this suit. Actually, she always rocks a suit really well and I love her tie with no shirt cool!

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