Monday, January 18, 2010


Known as the "best" actor that has ever lived, Swedish actress Greta Garbo never married, never had children and always lived alone. She was also one of the very few that moved from silent film into a talking role. She was thought of as a recluse but many speculated that she was bisexual (so hot)! She nearly married a co-star on a very racy film (Flesh and the Devil, 1926) starring John Gilbert but failed to show up at the alter on the day of their marriage. SHE WAS SO COOL!

Patty Hearst had everything...the daughter of William Randolph Hearst, her life was nothing more than an easy ride...that is, until she was kidnapped by some crazy guerilla group that requested a check from her father in the amount of 400 million dollars to feed the homeless on the streets of San Fran. WRH produced 6 million, a sum that Patty admonished and was enough to make her join the guerilla group's efforts. She was like "fuck it" and decided to help them rob a bank! That is super funny! Good one Patty!

From snorting crack to TopShop to Longchamp bags...Kate Moss is everywhere. She is dope, likes dope and looks dope. Shout out to bloody noses and really really nice tits!

Vivienne Westwood rocks it! Starting out making costumes for the Sex Pistols, she has now built an empire out of her crazy fashion sense. From Sex and the City wedding gowns to her political involvement with Liberty, a British Civil Rights Group, in which she made a crazy tee that states "I AM NOT A TERRORIST," VW has many faces. She is multi-dimensional, which is really cool, never specializing in one area but branching out into many and encompassing many different tastes and likes. She does all sorts of cool shit and she really knows how to make dope screen printed the one I saw in Beacon's Closet that I'm kicking myself for not purchasing!!! BTW, her son is behind the infamous Agent Provocateur.

Joan Jett...need I say more?!


  1. Wow, that picture of Kate Moss is HOT. Yowser!! And yes, I agree with your list but I have an addition...where is Betty Page? Incredibly hot and mysterious!

  2. Definitely a good call but not really into the whole Christian crazed thing she got herself into! LOL...not knocking it, but just not my thing. There are so many cool chicks that I really had a hard time deciding my top 5...
